According to the National Council on Aging, the most common cause of nonfatal trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults are falls. Every year, falls result in more than 2.8 million injuries treated in emergency departments, including over 800,000 hospitalizations and more than 27,000 deaths.

Falling is possible at any age but the risk of falling increases dramatically with age. While we know it’s hard to admit you’re no longer young, preventing falls can actually help you have a stress free seniority and even save your life.

When you’re young and strong, you don’t think much about a fall. But for the elderly, falls can cause serious harm and in some cases, may even prove fatal. Falls can result in hip fractures, broken bones, and head injuries. And even falls without a major injury can cause an older adult to become fearful or depressed, making it difficult for them to stay active.

Many people think falls are a normal part of aging. The truth is, they’re not. Most falls can be prevented and you have the power to reduce your risk.

You should know that:

  • Every year, one in three adults aged 65 and older falls
  • 56% of falls occurs outside
  • Approximately 10-20% of falls result in fractures
  • Women are more likely than men to experience nonfatal falls
  • Men are more likely than women to experience fatal falls
  • Fear of falling is common among older people. It occurs among approximately 30% of those who have never fallen and 60% for those who have fallen previously
  • Falls are the most common cause of injury and hospitalization among older people
  • Once a person has had one fall, they’re likely to fall again

Here are some common factors that can lead to a fall:

  • Balance: as we age, most of us lose some coordination, flexibility, and balance, primarily through inactivity, making it easier to fall.
  • The loss of muscle mass: 1 in 3 adults age 60 and older suffer from severe muscle loss, called sarcopenia.
  • Vision: In the aging eye, less light reaches the retina making contrasting edges, tripping hazards, and obstacles harder to see.
  • Medications: some prescriptions and medications can cause dizziness, dehydration or interactions with each other that can lead to a fall.
  • Environment: most people have lived in their homes for their whole life and never considered making small adjustments to make it elderly friendly.
  • Chronic conditions: more than 80% of older adults have at least one chronic condition like diabetes, stroke, or arthritis. Often, these increase the risk of falling because they result in lost function, inactivity, depression, pain, or multiple medications.

But the very good news is that falls can be prevented. Staying physically active is the single most important thing we can do to stay well and independent. And while a diet rich in vitamin D, calcium and protein can boost fall prevention, exercise is key in preventing fall-related hazards, too. Simply adding the right exercises to your regular routine can make an enormous impact on your safety by strengthening the body, boosting blood flow to the lower extremities, improving neurological function and even helping to enhance your body’s proprioceptive powers.

In fact, a 2016 comprehensive British Journal of Sports Medicine meta-analysis found that exercise alone reduces the risk of falls in older adults by an average of 21 percent. What’s more, working out for more than three hours per week was linked to a 39 percent reduction in falls.

Here are ten myths debunked in order to become more aware of the benefits of fall prevention (from NCOA, US National Council of Aging):

Myth 1: Falling happens to other people, not to me.

Reality: Many people think, “It won’t happen to me.” But the truth is that 1 in 4 older adults fall every year in the U.S.


Myth 2: Falling is something normal that happens as you get older.

Reality: Falling is not a normal part of aging. Strength and balance exercises, managing your medications, having your vision checked and making your living environment safer are all steps you can take to prevent a fall.


Myth 3: If I limit my activity, I won’t fall.

Reality: Some people believe that the best way to prevent falls is to stay at home and limit activity. Not true. Performing physical activities will actually help you stay independent, as your strength and range of motion benefit from remaining active. Social activities are also good for your overall health.


Myth 4: As long as I stay at home, I can avoid falling.

Reality: Over half of all falls take place at home. Inspect your home for fall risks. Fix simple but serious hazards such as clutter, throw rugs, and poor lighting. Make simple home modifications, such as adding grab bars in the bathroom, a second handrail on stairs, and non-slip paint on outdoor steps.


Myth 5: Muscle strength and flexibility can’t be regained.

Reality: While we do lose muscle as we age, exercise can partially restore strength and flexibility. It’s never too late to start an exercise program. Even if you’ve been a “couch potato” your whole life, becoming active now will benefit you in many ways including protection from falls.


Myth 6: Taking medication doesn’t increase my risk of falling.

Reality: Taking any medication may increase your risk of falling. Medications affect people in many different ways and can sometimes make you dizzy or sleepy. Be careful when starting a new medication. Talk to your health care provider about potential side effects or interactions of your medications.


Myth 7: I don’t need to get my vision checked every year.

Reality: Vision is another key risk factor for falls. Aging is associated with some forms of vision loss that increase risk of falling and injury. People with vision problems are more than twice as likely to fall as those without visual impairment. Have your eyes checked at least once a year and update your eyeglasses. For those with low vision there are programs and assistive devices that can help. Ask your optometrist for a referral.


Myth 8: Using a walker or cane will make me more dependent.

Reality: Walking aids are very important in helping many older adults maintain or improve their mobility. However, make sure you use these devices safely. Have a physical therapist fit the walker or cane to you and instruct you in its safe use.


Myth 9: I don’t need to talk to family members or my health care provider if I’m concerned about my risk of falling. I don’t want to alarm them, and I want to keep my independence.

Reality: Fall prevention is a team effort. Bring it up with your doctor, family, and anyone else who is in a position to help. They want to help you maintain your mobility and reduce your risk of falling.


Myth 10: I don’t need to talk to my parent, spouse, or other older adult if I’m concerned about their risk of falling. It will hurt their feelings, and it’s none of my business.

Reality: Let them know about your concerns and offer support to help them maintain the highest degree of independence possible. There are many things you can do, including removing hazards in the home, finding a fall prevention program in the community, or setting up a vision exam.